Tuesday 24 January 2012

My Life in Cashmere

Hello guys,

I've decided to start my first blog! :)

I am a 22 years old and I am in love with life. I am a gourmand and a hedonist, talented with technology and with sense for fashion. I have big dreams, good friends & expensive taste.

That's all for now.. Keep checking my blog. there will be lots of suprises, GIVEAWAYS, advices and many more!

But, I don't want to reveal everything, yet :)


Bok svima,

odlucila sam poceti svoj prvi blog! :)

Imam 22 godine i obozavam svoj zivot. Veliki sam gurman i jos veci hedonist, talentirana sam kad je tehnologija u pitanju i mislim da imam smisla za modu. Imam dobre prijatelje, velike snove i skupocjen ukus. 

To je sve od mene za sada.. citajte me i dalje jer ce biti puno iznenadenja, nagrada, savjeta i jos puno toga!

No, ne zelim vam jos sve otkriti :)


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